Creating Stability Amidst COVID-19 Changes

It’s not lost on us that Help in the Home was founded during uncertain and unclear times. In a way, we feel uniquely positioned to navigate this season we’re in and most importantly, lead those who’ve placed their trust in us well. It occurred to us early on, as stability and nurturing were words we kept at the forefront of our decisions, that some of the vernacular being used during this time just didn’t seem right. 

In fact, our motto has become to maintain PHYSICAL distance while prioritizing SOCIAL connections with each passing day.

The reality is that life is dramatically different than it used to be just a few short weeks ago. Everyday things like going to work, communal meals, and visits from family, friends and cherished vendors are off the table for the foreseeable future. Though we greatly miss the hugs and physical interactions that are present in a family setting like ours, we’ve been incredibly proud of the resilience both our community members and team have shown.

Our Supported Living Community…

In our SLC our community members are becoming pros at all things virtual. From meetings with family and friends, to ongoing care with therapists and care coordinators, creating a new routine and new sense of normal has given us all something to shift our attention to. Physical health has been another priority day-to-day. From appropriately distanced walks through the neighborhood, to ensuring we’re nourishing our bodies with fruits, vegetables and our signature warm lemon water each morning, supporting our members through each new rhythm has been special.

One unexpected silver lining in all of this has been the time our SLC members have had to cultivate deeper relationships with their housemates. Like many of you, we’re spending more time in conversation while working on puzzles, playing chess, and even enjoying the latest Netflix movie or series. 

Our Individual Support Services Clients…

Another byproduct of physical distancing has been the crash course our Individual Support Services (ISS) clients have had in really valuable life skills. From installing web cams on their computers to selecting and setting up mobile phone plans, or learning how to order groceries for delivery, it all fits so beautifully with our goal to continue to provide quality care and support while honoring the social connections we value. We continue to accept new clients in both our ISS program and SLCs and although virtual connections will never be able to replace in real life connections, what we know is that all people need connection and support more than ever right now.

The HITH Team

Last but not least, our team of amazing staff members, from onsite to remote workers, have navigated this season with grace, flexibility and the desire to support one another in ways that make us proud. Our on-site staff is currently limited to essential personnel only and their commitment to our community members during this pandemic has given us all sense of care, nurturance and security. We joke that we’ve become a bit of infection control experts with our daily monitoring of temperatures for individuals on site and reminding us all to keep appropriate physical distancing. From troubleshooting tech issues to innovating new and creative ways to communicate and entertain, there’s not much that is off the table for these guys. And for that, we’re incredibly grateful to have them in our corner.

Yes, life looks different but as we’ve learned time and time again, we have the ability to choose joy and to choose to live each day to its full potential.

For the most up-to-date information, please visit the COVID-19 page on our website, sign up for our newsletter, or give us a call at (866) 967-9994.

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