Gems of Joy – Building a Culture of Joy through Gratitude

Everyday our founders begin the day by expressing gratitude and discussing it with one another- we call this “Gems of Joy”. Actively practicing gratitude is what nourishes a positive atmosphere within our organization. By focusing on gratitude, we are able to navigate difficult situations better.

Joy should not be confused with happiness though! The definition of joy is a deep-rooted feeling of unity and reassurance, even when things may not go as planned or as we had envisioned. It also involves recognizing value in every experience, even in times of loss. Living with a chronic illness can bring about numerous losses, yet we can still discover Gems of Joy amidst these challenges. The journey of life should involve acknowledging achievements that we can be grateful for along the way.

During every staff meeting, we make it a point to kick things off with Gems of Joy to celebrate the achievements within our community at Help in the Home. Recently, during our founders meeting, we took a moment to practice gratitude through a visualization meditation led by one of our colleagues. Afterwards, we all shared what we were thankful for and wrote words associated with that on a giant poster board that we now keep at the SLC as a daily reminder.  It was truly a powerful and heartwarming experience.

The practices we have implemented foster a culture of gratitude and joy among our staff. This culture provides a safe space for informal support, allowing us to uplift and support one another on a daily basis. It’s not just about personal success, but about collectively moving forward and achieving success together.

Celebrating the power of Gems of Joy! We had the privilege of interviewing Maura Beehler, MA (Program Director), Shawn Campbell, MSW (Program Manager), and Cornelius Kutessa, MA (Care Coordinator/Peer Mentor), who bring their unique expertise and experiences to this incredible program. Their dedication and passion shine through every day.

Q: How do you practice joy on a daily basis?


“Embracing positivity in every interaction, be it with clients, families, or staff, and maintaining an optimistic perspective throughout.”


“I’ve discovered that true joy comes from within, and I’ve found that the most effective way to cultivate joy in my life is through daily gratitude and reflection. This practice allows me to intentionally focus on the blessings and opportunities that I’ve been given, and it fills me with a sense of purpose and contentment.”


“Engaging in activities that bring me happiness is a priority for me. I find joy in spending quality time with my friends and family, as well as going hiking. Opening up my home and hosting gatherings for my loved ones is something I truly enjoy, as it allows for meaningful conversations and good food. Surrounding myself with positive energy is also important to me, as it uplifts my spirits. Additionally, practicing my faith and keeping God at the center of my life brings me immense joy and fulfillment.”

Q: How has this practice affected your personal mindset?


“Being able to stay focused and produce quality work is made possible by my ability to remain present. Our line of work is challenging, and it’s crucial to approach each day with a mindset that values the little things in order to keep going.”


“Joy is what keeps me going. Since life is full of highs and lows, I have always believed in embracing the journey and going with the flow, without resisting it. I find solace in accepting that no matter what the circumstances are, they are temporary and will eventually fade away.”


“It brings me immense joy to assist our clients in reclaiming control over their lives. Throughout the years, I have been fortunate enough to witness numerous success stories from our clients, which has truly showcased their resilience and determination. Their unwavering spirit has inspired me to persevere in my own life, even when faced with challenging circumstances.”

Q: Do you see a reflection of your disposition on others around you?


“Oh, 100%! I feel like what you bring you see in return.”


“Yes, it’s true that the way I treat others reflects who I am, and it often comes back to me in a similar manner. I strive to maintain an open, kind, and approachable temperament in my interactions with others.”


“My perspective on life has been shaped by my experiences working with clients, and it has truly made a difference. Whenever I have the opportunity to share my experiences with those around me, I can see how it inspires and uplifts them to conquer their own personal challenges.”

Q: How do you help clients find joy in various circumstances?


“Many times, it’s common to overlook the transition from one task to another. Assisting clients in finding happiness requires us to take a step back and acknowledge what has been achieved. By highlighting how seemingly small accomplishments contribute to the overall success, we can help clients understand the significance of their progress. Moreover, we can guide them in recognizing how each step they take brings them closer to their ultimate objectives. Remember, it’s not just about being focused on tasks all the time- it’s also about enjoying the process and fostering positive connections with our clients.”


“I understand that for some, keeping a positive outlook in different situations can feel like a daunting task. However, as a skilled professional, I am able to help my clients find joy by highlighting their strengths and encouraging gratitude. It’s like holding onto sand, but with my guidance, they can catch what’s falling through their fingers.”


“I always approach my encounters with a cheerful attitude, a warm smile, and a positive vibe. Over time, I have observed that this approach allows my clients to absorb my positive energy and shift from a negative or low mood to a more positive one.”

Q: Have you witnessed any transformations as a result of guiding community members to seek joy in the everyday?


“Absolutely, your mindset plays a crucial role in how you engage with clients and families, ultimately influencing them. By embracing a joyful mindset, you help maintain a positive atmosphere. This is of utmost importance in our line of work.”


“Witnessing clients undergo transformations is truly remarkable, especially when they are provided with encouragement, understanding, and hope. The positive attitude of staff members can be infectious, inspiring those around them to adopt a similar mindset.”


“Reflecting on the achievements that clients have accomplished over time can bring them a sense of happiness and fulfillment.”


Beyond building success, our mission is to build bridges of support and connection. We will join you on this incredible journey, where every step counts towards both personal and collective achievements. Keep looking for your gems of joy!

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