There is nothing more fulfilling to us than when we see our Supported Living Community (SLC) in action. It is the heart of Help in the Home and most of all, it is where you can see our love and compassion spreading and multiplying in the threads of our services and support.
But what exactly is a SLC? How do we offer support to our community members? Our website has more details and information on the logistics HERE, but we also know it’s equally as important to bring you along into the SLC experience itself. Because at the end of the day, we want to show you that it is not just a community, nor is it just a physical area of space. Let us walk you through what we mean:
Our SLC is comprised of five townhouses located within a rental community in Rockville, Maryland. Our maximum capacity is 15 community members, accommodating three people within each townhouse and each individual with their private room.
We selected this community because it is walking distance to transportation services, education, and several convenient shops. To name a few of our local popular hangouts, we are close to Montgomery College, the Metro, and College Plaza Shopping Center. The rental community even has its own swimming pool for those hot days of summer.
Probably the most exciting part of our location though, is that our Help in the Home Community Managers are available 24/7 to our members. The ongoing and on-site support makes us equipped to take care of our members efficiently, immediately, and most importantly, with the care they deserve. Our goal for location is to provide a level of excellence and ease where our community members can thrive.
The atmosphere in our SLC is welcoming and home-like.
We eat meals together (family-style), we go on outings as a community, and we celebrate successes and birthdays together. We are a family, and our community members are treated as such.
Our SLC offers healthy emotional and social support, too. We encourage our community members to see their own personal value in the community and how their value adds to the community as a whole. We also make sure that everyone knows each other by encouraging everyone to reach out and develop supportive relationships with one another. It is amazing to see how relationships are created similarly to an extended family. For example, you’ll see younger community members caring for the older ones by going to the store and carrying their grocery bags. Everyone is encouraged to come together and spend time together, just like family.
There is no ‘typical’ day at our SLC, and frankly, that’s what we love about our community. We don’t offer a cookie cutter approach to our community and we don’t believe that there is one way to provide support. Our community is unique and we embrace everyone’s individuality. Everyone is different, and we encourage it, whether they have a full-time job or are interested in a variety of hobbies. Here is a taste of what a meaningful day looks like for three different members:
1) David wakes up, gets dressed, and heads downstairs for breakfast to take his medications. He prepares for work at his full-time job and then heads out around 8:30 AM. David returns home around 5:30 PM and has dinner with the community while sharing the events of his workday. David’s medications are monitored for the rest of the evening. Before going to bed, David catches up with his community managers.
2) Another community member, Jane, wakes up, walks over to another house to have her medications monitored, and then has breakfast with the community. She spends some quiet time doing one of her favorite activities, either knitting or volunteering at the local elementary school. After a wonderful dinner with her community friends, she goes to bed early in her townhouse.
3) Peter attends a day program until lunch. After that, he rejoins the community for lunch and dinner while his medications are monitored for the rest of the day. He spends some time talking and catching up with his community managers in the evening and then walks over to his townhouse to watch his favorite sports team with his roommates.
As you can see, no day is alike and no person is alike. Depending on each community member, we offer self-care skills and ensure that each person receives the necessary services from community service providers (i.e, physical therapy or mental health services). Our Care Coordinators document each member’s progress regarding skills learned and services received, and we collaborate with families, case managers, therapists, and psychiatrists to make recommendations for adjustments in care.
The location, ambience, and daily activities of our community are the building blocks of our SLC. When you join our community, you join a family filled with warmth, laughter, love, and joy. Our community members and their families are our families, also. At Help in the Home, we strive to be known for our passionate approach and guiding motivation to add value to the communities we’re in – and that’s priceless.
Have a question that’s not listed above? Do you need more information?
Give us a call at 866-967-9994 or email us at to schedule your free consultation. We would love to hear from you!